Could it really be that easy? Could the difference between doing what you love or not, be the simple act of being courageous?
Time and again we hear of stories where people tell us about the "moment" when they arrived at the place that ultimately led to their current success. Usually, they start off by telling you how hard it was, followed by some ups and downs, which led to the moment when they almost gave up, but THEN they had an Aha moment and they just WENT FOR IT! This "aha moment" can be only be described as, COURAGE.
But what does it truly take to be courageous? I think there are five key ingredients that can make you into a courageous person. These steps can help eliminate self doubt, procrastination and stagnation.
First, you must have faith, or belief in yourself and in your abilities. You must have irrefutable belief that you can have whatever it is that you want.
Two, you must want it more than anything else. More than a TV show, more than hanging out with your friends, basically, you have to want it more than you want your down time.
Three, you must take any and all opportunities that come your way, no matter how small. One door will open another, in other words, be a Yes Man.
Four, eliminate all routine from your life. In my opinion, routine is the death of creativity. Two, you must want it more than anything else. More than a TV show, more than hanging out with your friends, basically, you have to want it more than you want your down time.
Three, you must take any and all opportunities that come your way, no matter how small. One door will open another, in other words, be a Yes Man.
Five, everyday do one thing that moves you in the direction of your goal, no matter how small, even if it's a baby step. Every step in the right direction is a good thing.
Taking these steps will establish a sense of confidence and a knowing--that will guarantee you are ready for WHEN the big opportunity comes your way. In addition to, filling you with the courage you thought you didn’t have. Finally, you will not doubt yourself, for you have practiced belief and faith. You will see opportunities, because you were available. You will meet others that share your goals, because you said yes. New opportunities will find you because you switched up your day. And finally, you will be closer to success because you didn’t waste a single day.
Take a look at this inspirational, musical short film, Today's the Day- A Musical Short it’s pretty AWESOME. Share it with your friends and family who are in need of a little pick-me-up.