Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Run! Even if Your Life Depends on It!

Imagine this. Imagine for one second that experts are telling you that what you want is IMPOSSIBLE, CAN’T BE DONE; you might even DIE if you do it.  
This is just what was told to the world once upon a time when it came to running a “certain” distance in a “certain” amount of time.
Prior to 1954 the world was made to believe that if you ran 1 mile in less than 4 minutes you would die. They said it was physically impossible to do so, and because this information came from the experts, everyone believed it and obliged.
That is, until a brave soul refused to believe in the limits the world had set for him.
I’m speaking of Sir. Roger Bannister.  He did what they said couldn’t be done.  He ran one mile in 3 minutes 59.4 seconds.

His record only lasted 46 days.  Once they saw how this barrier was only an illusion brought on by others it became an achievable goal.
I bring this to your attention because like many of us, there’s possibly something holding you back from achieving your most desired goals.
What are those obstacles that you or your inner circle has created for you? Break free!  Be like Roger Bannister, keep your eye on the ball and don’t sway for a minute from what you want.
I’d like to ask that if you have an experience like this to let me know. If you had a moment in your life where all the odds were against you, and everyone around you said it couldn’t be done but you did it anyway AND you came out on top, PLEASE share your story here. We all love hearing of others' success stories because it reminds us of how ours is just as achievable. Help in my journey to inspiring others.
Till next time.  And Remember....

Below are a few links for you to read about this incredible story.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lacking motivation? Look no further than YouTube!

So I realized something today. I noticed that whenever I’m lacking motivation I can simply turn things around my listening to something on YouTube that relates to whatever topic I’m struggling with. (I love YouTube BTW).
For example, I really want to eat healthy, I have finally come to a place in my life where it’s not really about a diet or just losing weight, but rather about feeling the best I can. It’s not about what NOT to eat but instead of what to eat that’s good for my body. 
If you’ve been following my blog you know that I recently decided to participate in the Disney Princess Half Marathon, well, let me tell you this is hard! But I think I’m psyching myself out. Every time I take a step my knee starts really hurting. I truly believe that eating the right foods will contribute immensely to my efforts in running this race. Including, fixing my knee problem.
Needless to say I was feeling really crappy about having Startbucks at lunch time and pasta with battered chicken last night for dinner.  My body is yelling “WHY WOMAN? WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO US WHEN YOU KNOW IT DOESN’T MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD”.
So because I’m not very savvy in the kitchen department (which is why I always end up eating bad stuff) I turned to my reliable friend YouTube. And there I found a lot of great tips on eating the right foods. But it is much more than that for me. Frankly you can go to any book store and look through any healthy cook book and you will probably find the same or better info. For me, listening to things on YouTube pumps me up, (NOT in the voice of Arnold Schwarzenegger). It’s like something stirs in me that is dormant and then suddenly I’m awake again.
Here are other things I listen to, Bio’s on writers and film makers. I listen to audio books on finances such as Rich Dad Poor Dad (Great Book).  Experts speaking about healthy eating/living and/or exercising; practically anything you need some extra encouragement on.
So I very much recommend that the next time you’re lacking motivation turn to a free site to lift you up.