Thursday, February 21, 2013

Do what you want!

So I was watching Vampire Diaries tonight and it was a really good episode.

However, I am so emotionally vested in the show that I lose control of my feelings. I get really mad when something doesn't go the way I want, OR really sad when something terrible happens (semi spoiler alert). So tonight while watching the show I had a knot in my throat from holding back the tears. I kept reminding myself that this wasn't real, it's just a show. But all along I just wanted to burst-out into tears.

So it got me thinking, what is it about T.V. that gets us so hooked.

Honestly I have no idea.. lol. All I know is that I get completely obsessed with these drama shows to where it consumes my days.

Anyway, I did come up with a conclusion though. Today was the first day I actually did everything I've been wanting to do. I wrote, I exercised, I meditated, I relaxed and watched TV, AND I wrote in my journal. And, I feel AMAZING... Even though I sat in front of the TV for 3 hours (watching TVD and Idol) I still managed to do everything I needed/wanted to do. My point is that sometimes we stop ourselves from doing the things we enjoy because we may feel guilty, i.e wasting time in front of the television, or eating a cookie (wink-wink) but sometimes when we let all the guilt go, when we just let ourselves enjoy the moment we're in, we get more things accomplished than when we deny ourselves simple pleasures.

So I encourage you to do this, for the next few days try your best to do the things you enjoy and see if this brings you a little more peace in other areas you may be struggling with. I bet if you eat now the "one" cookie you're dying for, you won't  eat "five" later. For me, it was relaxing, once I relaxed and allowed myself to just chill then the stress of having to get something down on paper didn't seem so stressful. 
So go ahead feel free to do whatever you want!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Magazine idea Retracted

Tonight is going to be short and sweet. So as some of you know I'm a tad claustrophobic.

This extends to many areas of my life. I don't like to be confined, I don't like to be locked into things... So, since last week, when I said on my blog that every Wednesday I would write about "what magazine covers I liked best," I've been feeling a little anxious. The pressure of knowing that I've committed to writing about the SAME THING EVERY WEDNESDAY is too much for me..

So I've decided to scratch that idea. I'll just have to write about whatever inspires me that day..
  But for now I'm gonna go to sleep I'm exhausted. I just didn't want to leave you guys hanging. :) 

Oh and I'll leave you with a new favorite song.
Rihanna- Stay ft. Mikky Ekko

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My guilt free day.

So this is me pretty much every day when it comes to exercising. Every morning I set the alarm for 5 am! "
But when it goes off, I say "I'll do it after work." But then, after spending all day at the office.
And driving for an hour in crazy traffic!
The last thing I want to do is workout.
But for some reason I can't let it go. I can't just say, "ok so working out isn't for me." I just can't... So this morning as I lay in bed (after snoozing the alarm) I had some sort of revelation. I realized I had to stop the madness, this vicious cycle, of saying I'll do it later, because later never comes. It's ridiculous to not give myself at least 30 minutes a day to better myself. Especially since it's something that makes me feel so good when it's over. So I got up and did yoga before work this morning and all day long I felt great; one, because I'd done it and two, because I didn't have to worry about it after work.
If the guilt gets you the way it does me, then just do it....

Saturday, February 9, 2013

To My Son :)

So yesterday in honor of black history month my son's high school put on a show. My son Dylan, aka KidD Ace was one of the entertainers and he decided to participate by performing a tribute to the king of Pop, Michael Jackson. For years Dylan has admired Michael Jackson's talent, to the point of driving us all crazy by constantly playing his concerts and songs over and over again. But truth be told--I wouldn't have it any other way. Yesterday was a true testament to how far hard work and dedication can take you. Not only did he choreograph the dance, (originally choreographed by Michael Jackson) but he also choreographed lighting, edited the music and video. (So Talented!!) Watching him perform brought me to tears. His dedication, passion and love for the craft is inspiring. I pray that he always remembers what that felt like and that he always does what he loves. It was an amazing feeling as a mom seeing him come full circle. The first time he performed on stage was at the age of four when he was in prekindergarten, and now to see him perform as a senior was one of the best moments of my life. I am so proud of him!!!! I want to share his performance with you. Enjoy!!!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Magazine Wednesday

So today I learned that Wednesday's are known as "Magazine Wednesday" meaning this is the day the different magazine franchise's reveal their cover (for Friday release day).  Anyway, so I thought I'd share with you my favorite cover each Wednesday. So here it goes....drum roll please... ok, People Magazine is my favorite this week because Kelly Clarkson's on the cover. There's not one song she does that I don't love, plus she's an AMAZING singer. Also it seems to me that's she's been able to stay humble throughout her success (Speaking of which, I'm watching Idol. I love this show).

So I also found out that Kelly Clarkson is engaged, I didn't know! Which is weird 'cause I'm usually pretty current with what's going on with my celebs, but it's ok.  Anyhow, I'm gonna go but as I've done in the past I will leave you with one of my favorite Kelly Clarkson songs! Which is also one of the songs for my novel, More Than Words Can SayKelly Clarkson- Already Gone

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


So I've decided today is going to be a great day. I don't like when I have set backs. What I learned recently is that your mind/thoughts really do have an impact in your life, I encourage us all to pay attention to the things we are picturing in our heads, because they will show up in your life. That goes for the good and the bad. So lets make our lives better. Lets create our days just as we want them to be; filled with peace, love and happiness. (I know a little cliche, but it works). Until next time have a great day.  
And of course, I can't let you go without sharing a song I'm totally addicted to at this time... He's an awesome singer. Bruno Mars, "When I Was Your Man" Enjoy!