Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Alchemist by Paulo-Coelhop - Chasing your dreams

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you had a great Monday and hope you have an even better week ahead. 

For some reason, I am drawing a blank when it comes to blogging this week. I am not in a funk. I am not discouraged in any way; in fact, I am feeling amazingly happy and satisfied with my life. But still, I have nothing.

So, I’ll just share with you my latest read. I just finished reading The Alchemist by Paulo-Coelho and it was pretty amazing. I've heard many people mention this book, Will Smith being one of them, but I hadn't picked up until last week.  This book was awesome because it touched on so many aspects of the law of attraction.

It is about a kid who seems to be pretty content with his life, until he's persuaded to take the journey to reach his dreams--a treasure.  Along the way he meets people that both help and impede him from reaching his goal. The things that unfold are pretty "typical" of the things that happen to us whenever we decide to "go for it." 

I was reminded once again that any time we decide to take action to go for our dreams, sometimes we'll be faced with obstacles. But that is not a reason to stop trying to reach for your desires. Remember that your desires still exist on the other side of the obstacle. 
Today my message is short and simple.  I am driven to only write these words. And Remember

Till Next Time!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

It might just be a blessing in disguise!

Hello once again, better late than never. (usually I post the blogs in the mornings)

It's been a pretty good few days. If you've read my blog "My 6 Days of Darkness," you know that I've had to accept a position that is less than inspiring. But, by taking my own advice and putting in motion the very thing a preach, I've come out on the other side completely amazed. 

So you've heard that people actually take time off to write, to where they go to some exotic or inspiring place to seek some sort of enlightenment or miracle from their work. 

Well not me. Not this lady.

I spent 7 months without working and by all accounts I was thrilled to have so much free time on my hands. But on the downside, I hardly wrote. For some reason my creative juices were not flowing. Everything felt forced. I have to write, I kept telling myself. So I would sit down, stare at a blank piece of paper and would write down something, anything, but nothing felt real. 

But since I started working, and have little time between school and work, I can't stop writing. The entire day all I do is think about my next novel; by the time I sit down to write every single word comes pouring out without any need to force them out.  

So of course, I wondered why that was. 
Well, I think for me it has to do with the amount of distraction that I engaged in on daily basis. Yes of course I am busy at work and have your usual distractions, but for the most part is just me and my music. No internet, no Facebook, no Twitter. 

In a way it's like I'm in a constant state of meditation. So just like I always do, I'll encourage you to get quiet, to have those moments of silence with just you and God. Miracles can come out of those times. Amazing creative projects can come out of moments like those. 

Because I'm so completely happy with the fact that I am writing again and that all was not lost, I want to give thanks for the position I thought was going to kill my spirit, and subsequently my creativity, because it has done the complete opposite, it has brought it back to life.

The next time you find yourself in complete chaos and disarray over a decision you've had to make, hold your horses before you go crazy and think all is lost, as the saying goes, it might just be a blessing in disguise
My blessing was the gift of writing again, and I'm grateful for that, no matter what it was wrapped in.

Till Next Time!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Lights, Camera, ACTION!

So funny how things happen, the other day I had a "duh" moment. Let me explain. 

Although I still believe in everything I’ve written before, like if you want to change your life, you must change the way you think.  There is one very important thing that MUST go along with this way of thinking, and I'll explain in the next paragraphs.

I woke up last Wednesday and I was jolted into facing something that has been frustrating me. So many of us have been told to use affirmations as a way of obtaining our hearts desires or to use affirmations to change our state of mind.  

However, I am here to say that affirmations themselves do not work. You want to know what works? ACTION! That’s what works. I of course am not the first and only person to say this. I’ve heard Tony Robins say countless times, “you can say there no weeds, there are no weeds, but the reality is that there are weeds and you need to find a way of removing them.” Same concept applies to your life and whatever issues you may be facing.

Do not look out onto the world and wonder why “they” have what you want. Don’t think of them as the lucky ones. I promise you the reason they have what they have, is because they took action to ensure they would HAVE IT!

While we are sitting at home affirming, meditating, reading blogs such as mine, those people have put a plan into action and they are working toward it for hours on end.

Don't misunderstand, staying encouraged, meditating, praying and surrounding yourself with positive uplifting people are all great things to do. But none of these things alone will get you to the life you want to live. These things will make for a happier and more peaceful you, but no closer to getting the thing you want.
Simply, if you want something, you MUST TAKE ACTION, or I assure you, your situation will NEVER CHANGE. You will never live that life you are seeking. So start now. Take action in whatever area of your life you want the biggest change to take place and take action to make sure the change happens.
Till Next Time